Friday 17 October 2014

Week 6

This week we learned about proofs of non-Boolean functions, proof of something false, and proof of limits. For the proof of non-Boolean, the example of floor x was used because it is a non-Boolean function. I found proofs involving floor x interesting as the definition for floor x could be manipulated in various cleaver ways which would help complete the proof. I learned that to prove something is false the easiest way is the negate the whole claim, then move the negation into the claim segment by segment. Then to prove this negated sentence that was changed. I learned that a big portion of solving proofs was to go through the claim I'm supposed to prove one step at a time.  The proof of limits was familiar to me as I had learned about epsilon and delta proofs in the past. The proof of limits was still a bit tricky but looking at it in terms of distance, the malleability, manipulation and dependency of epsilon, x's, and delta on each other was helpful. Again going through step by step of what I'm supposed to prove in the limit proof is also helpful, so picking a delta that allows the rest of the proof to be true made sense as well as manipulating certain lines and information when needed.

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